OK, so I was siked about going to the trails yesterday to get a quick run in. I dressed in the car on the way, just to make sure I had a few more minutes on the trail, since I had a 7:00pm appointment that I had to make. I don't think anybody noticed....:) Anyway, in these two years of running I have become a Garmin (my sport swatch) and an Ipod addict....Like, I don't feel like I will have a good run if I can't check my heart rate, pace and listen to some tunes.....So, I found out quickly that I was going to run with neither or not run. I decided that I might be enough company for myself and headed out on the 4 mile path at Country Lane in Palos. Fortunately enough my quiet run and personal time with listening to my heavy breathing and my thoughts without distraction, did not disappoint. As I approached the 1 mile marker, I noticed the smell of burning trees. Sure enough in a few feet, several dead trees where being burned. I also noticed several signs that indicated that this was a "Prescribed Burning." I figured quickly that this would be my running lesson for the day and started focusing in on why I might need a prescribed burning in my life.
Prescribed burns are used most frequently to maintain and restore native grasslands. Prescribed burning can recycle nutrients tied up in old plant growth, control many woody plants and herbaceous weeds, improve poor quality forage, increase plant growth, reduce the risk of large wildfires, and improve certain wildlife habitat. To achieve the above benefits, fire must be used under very specific conditions, using very specific techniques. Sargent, M.S and Carter, K.S., ed. 1999. Managing Michigan Wildlife: A Landowners Guide. Michigan United Conservation Clubs, East Lansing, MI. 297pp.
How often do we miss the forest because the trees of life have become too big? I would have missed an opportunity to recognize that even good things need to be let go of in order for the best things in life to grow. My ipod would not have taught me that. What needs to be recycled in you? What needs to be restored? Don't you want your "life plants" to grow? Prescribed burnings only work, as written above if they are done under specific conditions and using specific techniques. It makes a difference whom you are accountable to in life. They just might burn you in the wrong place! Nuff said! (Post your comments below as to what needs a prescribed burn in your life, whether its emotional, physical, spiritual or relational.)
I am hours away from my "BIG CHOP!" I am nervous, but anxious to be liberated. I can't wait to post pics or video. I am headed out to do sprint intervals today. Somewhere in my hurry up, wait, hurry up wait of a schedule, I will find the time! You make time for what you really want to do! Shamrock in 10 DAYS!
"Put first things first and we get second things thrown in: put second things first and we lose both first and second things"
CS Lewis
Until the Springbok writes again....
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